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"We are dedicated in developing a reliable and consistent relationship with all our clients"

Get The Right Solution
Our wide range of coverage and products helps protect you against unforeseen risks and losses. We can advise you on risk management on the type of policies that best fits your organisation while reducing costs.

Insurance Solutions

Insurance can be complex, even more so when jargon is used. At Sobhag Insurance Brokers we use plain English to discuss your insurance programme with you. With over 50 years of experience, our staff understand the needs of a diverse range of commercial operations, as well as individuals. It is our job to ensure we get the right insurance for you. That takes time and effort, but we like to make certain that our clients have the best possible cover for the best possible price.

Hands holds coloured images of family, buildings, piggy bank, car, heart, and a house



Insurance premium finance is a specialised finance facility that allows an insured to spread an insurance premium payment over the term of the policy rather than paying the full premium upfront. The insurance premium finance company, as the lender, advances premium payment on behalf of the insured. The insured repays the lender according to an agreed payment plan, usually consisting of a down payment followed by a certain number of instalments. The unearned premium of the policy being financed serves as security for the loan and, generally, no other forms of collateral are required.


Benefits of Insurance Premium Financing

  • Improved cash flow and liquidity

  • An additional source of borrowing, typically with no impact on the availability of existing credit facilities

  • A potentially tax-deductible interest expense (clients should always consult their tax advisors regarding tax issues)

  • More liberal payment terms than many insurer plans

  • Potential premium discounts from insurers for upfront premium payment

  • The availability of flexible payment plans corresponding to seasonal business cash-flow needs


We have very well negotiated premium financing rates with major financial institutions, taking the burden of such negotiations from our clients.



Do you have the best possible insurance portfolio for your needs?

We have developed our own unique analysis capability for screening products. Our team has the Wisdom, experience and expertise to advise you on what level and type of insurance you should own. We evaluate your company's insurance coverage and give you the peace of mind that you have the best, most cost-effective solution to all of your risks and exposures


Why an insurance programme Audit by Sobhag Insurance Brokers?

Inaccurate description of assets to be insured, wrong classes of insurance purchased, too many Exclusion clauses leading to severe loss exposure on needed insurance etc. We have uncovered many glaring examples of under-insurance and wrong insurance coverage and also cases where high premiums paid did not result in optimal and needed insurance coverage. We highly recommend that you contact us to carry out an insurance audit of the policies covering your company and its assets to prevent costly denial of claim surprises. AT NO EXTRA COST, our qualified insurance practitioners will provide you with a written report of your current insurance protection condition and make detailed recommendations of necessary actions you need to take. If you would like our specialist 2nd opinion Audit of your existing portfolio, contact us.



We bring our clients decades of industry know-how drawing upon risk management. Investment consulting can help you lay the foundation for a solid investment strategy that can bring you reliable returns.

Get In Touch

Nairobi Branch:


           +254 (0) 724 253437

           +254 (0) 20 3566224-6
           +254 (0) 773 633994




           Pax Mayfair Suits,

           Off Parklands Rd, Westlands.

           P.O. Box 10581-00100

           Nairobi Kenya

Eldoret Branch:


         +254 (0) 11 4307361





          Elgeyo Road, Eastern Avenue.
          P.O. Box 148-30100

          Eldoret Kenya

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